Contact us.

PLEASE NOTE: this form is not for booking. If you wish to book with one of our stylists, please visit the “Book” navigation page.

431 West End Blvd Winston-Salem, NC 27101



  • To book with one of our stylists, you can visit the “book” navigation page, or go straight to our “stylists” navigation page where you can read about each of our stylists and find links to each of their preferred contact methods.

  • You can find in depth information on our COVID-19 protocols on our “Policies” navigation page.

  • We are located at 431 West End Blvd Winston-Salem, 27101. We are a stand-alone building tucked behind/between two buildings. We have a sign at the road which directs you down our short driveway.

  • We do not have a phone number. We are a social media/email based salon. You may contact us through our instagram, facebook, or email.